At Mar­gaux Living, we spe­cia­li­ze in real estate mar­ke­ting and finan­cing in the grea­ter Munich area and on the Côte d’Azur in France. Our pri­ma­ry goal is to sell your pro­per­ty at the best pos­si­ble pri­ce. We levera­ge an exten­si­ve net­work of craft­smen and pro­fes­sio­nals to pro­vi­de opti­mal sup­port during the reno­va­ti­on of your pro­per­ty.

Our core prin­ci­ples revol­ve around relia­bi­li­ty and pas­si­on. We place a strong empha­sis on atten­ti­on to detail and are dedi­ca­ted to ful­fil­ling your indi­vi­du­al wis­hes. At Mar­gaux Living, you not only recei­ve pro­fes­sio­nal advice but also a tail­o­red solu­ti­on for your real estate mat­ters.

The pas­si­on for Munich and the Côte d’Azur forms the core of our strength. We under­stand the uni­que­ness of the­se places and use this know­ledge to show­ca­se and mar­ket your pro­per­ty opti­mal­ly. Our team looks for­ward to accom­pany­ing you in all your endea­vors, pro­vi­ding you with the exper­ti­se of Mar­gaux Living.

Trust in our years of expe­ri­ence, and let Mar­gaux Living sup­port you in posi­tio­ning and sel­ling your pro­per­ty on the mar­ket. We are rea­dy to advi­se you on all aspects of your real estate needs and are exci­ted to achie­ve suc­cess tog­e­ther.

Real Estate Sales

Sell your pro­per­ty at the best pri­ce with our pro­fes­sio­nal sup­port. You can always rely on dis­cre­ti­on and respect for your pro­per­ty. Our expe­ri­en­ced team ensu­res a smooth and effi­ci­ent sales pro­cess. From pro­per­ty valua­ti­on to mar­ke­ting and final tran­sac­tions, we stand by your side to ensu­re you achie­ve the opti­mal pri­ce for your real estate.

Real Estate Finan­cing

Let us assist you with the finan­cing of your pro­per­ty in Ger­ma­ny and France. Our expert team pro­vi­des com­pre­hen­si­ve and per­so­na­li­zed advice to find the best finan­cing opti­ons for your needs. Plan­ning to invest in real estate in Ita­ly, Spain, or other count­ries world­wi­de? In the­se cases, too, we can sup­port you. Cont­act us, and our part­ner in Mal­lor­ca, who is well-acquain­ted with the island, will help you rea­li­ze your wis­hes.

Real Estate Manage­ment

Trust us with the manage­ment of your pro­per­ty to ensu­re it is well-main­tai­ned and thri­ving. Our dedi­ca­ted team hand­les ever­y­thing from rou­ti­ne main­ten­an­ce to ten­ant rela­ti­ons, allo­wing you to enjoy your pro­per­ty stress-free. Whe­ther it’s a resi­den­ti­al or ren­tal pro­per­ty, we tail­or our manage­ment ser­vices to meet your spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments.

Net­work & Part­ners

Bene­fit from our ever-expan­ding net­work of part­ners, ser­ving as your relia­ble com­pa­n­ion to bring your indi­vi­du­al visi­ons to life. Whe­ther archi­tects, con­s­truc­tion com­pa­nies, or legal experts – we have the right part­ners by our side to assist you in all pha­ses of your real estate pro­ject. Through clo­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with pro­fes­sio­nals, we ensu­re that your needs and requi­re­ments are met to the hig­hest stan­dards. Count on us to suc­cessful­ly imple­ment your pro­ject.

Flo­ri­an Zen-Eldin

As the Mana­ging Direc­tor of Mar­gaux Living, I draw upon exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence in the realm of real estate and pro­per­ty finan­cing. This includes aspects such as reno­va­ti­on, ren­tal, sales, and finan­cing. Being a resi­dent in both the Côte d’Azur and Munich, I have an in-depth know­ledge of both regi­ons. In my addi­tio­nal role as a pilot, I am accus­to­med to sol­ving pro­blems calm­ly, pre­cis­e­ly, and relia­bly within a team.

My fami­ly takes pre­ce­dence in my life. When­ever pos­si­ble, I relish the beau­tiful natu­re and excel­lent cui­sine in Munich and Sou­thern France. On the foot­ball field, my heart beats for FC Schal­ke 04 — in the cine­ma for James Bond, during ape­ri­tifs for Back­gam­mon. The fasci­na­ti­on for vin­ta­ge cars and inte­ri­or design remains undi­mi­nis­hed.

Cer­ti­fied Real Estate Agent (IHK §34c GewO)
Cer­ti­fied Real Estate Loan Bro­ker (IHK §34i GewO)
Cer­ti­fied Loan Bro­ker (IHK §34c GewO)
Cer­ti­fied Real Estate Mana­ger (IHK)

Feel free to reach out to my team and me — we are here to sup­port you.


Mana­ging Direc­tor


Mar­ket Deve­lo­p­ment


Send me your enquiry using the cont­act form or by email

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